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mmls: Display the partition table with an additional column for the partition size.
$ mmls -B -i ${path-to-image_file}
try on your machine

The command "mmls -B -i ${path-to-image_file}" is used to analyze a disk image file and display the layout and information about the partitions within the image. Let's break it down:

  • "mmls" is the command itself and it stands for "Mount Mtools format". It is a part of a software package called "The Sleuth Kit" (TSK), which is used for forensic analysis and investigation.

  • "-B" is an option used with the "mmls" command to specify the output in a body format. It organizes the output in a tabular format, which shows multiple information columns for each partition.

  • "-i" is another option used to specify the disk image file that needs to be analyzed. "${path-to-image_file}" is a placeholder that represents the actual path to the disk image file on your system. You need to replace it with the correct path.

By executing this command, you will get detailed information about the partitions present in the disk image file, including their start and end sectors, size, file system type, and other relevant details. It helps in understanding the structure and organization of the disk image, which could be useful in forensic investigations, data recovery, or other related tasks.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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