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$ Ctrl + X
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The command Ctrl + X is a commonly used keyboard shortcut that performs the "Cut" action in many applications and operating systems.

When you press the Ctrl key along with the X key (holding down the Ctrl key while pressing the X key), it is interpreted as a command to cut selected text, files, or other objects. This means that the selected item is removed from its current location and held in a temporary storage area called the clipboard.

After cutting, you can then use the Ctrl + V command (holding down the Ctrl key while pressing the V key) to paste the cut item into a new location. By using Ctrl + X followed by Ctrl + V, you can effectively move or transfer items from one location to another within an application or between applications.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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