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mogrify: Halve the saturation of all image files in the current directory.
$ mogrify -modulate ${100,50} ${*}
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The mogrify command is a command-line tool provided by the imagemagick software suite, used for image manipulation.

The specific command you provided is: mogrify -modulate ${100,50} ${*}


  • mogrify is the command to perform various image manipulations.
  • -modulate is an option used to adjust the brightness, saturation, and hue of an image.
  • ${100,50} is a parameter passed to the -modulate option. It consists of two comma-separated values, 100 and 50, which represent the brightness and saturation percentages, respectively. In this case, 100 represents 100% brightness and 50 represents 50% saturation.
  • ${*} is a placeholder that represents all the input files or images that the mogrify command should apply the specified modifications to. It typically refers to a wildcard pattern to select all files in the current directory.

In summary, this command will use the mogrify tool to adjust the brightness and saturation of one or more input images, represented by the ${*} placeholder, by setting the brightness to 100% and saturation to 50%.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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