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molecule: Configure the instance.
$ molecule converge
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The command "molecule converge" is used in the context of using Molecule, a testing framework for Ansible roles, to converge a molecule instance.

When working with Ansible roles, Molecule allows you to define and deploy test environments to validate the functionality and configuration of your roles. The "molecule converge" command instructs Molecule to apply the Ansible playbook on the target instance, bringing it to a converged state based on the instructions provided in the playbook.

In other words, the command triggers the execution of the playbook specified in Molecule's configuration, which contains the desired state and actions to be performed on the target instance. This convergence process ensures that the instance is in the expected state, reflecting the desired configuration specified by the playbook.

By running "molecule converge," you can test and verify if your Ansible role successfully configures the target instance according to your desired state. It helps in identifying any discrepancies or issues in the playbook and allows you to iterate and refine your role until it achieves the desired outcome.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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