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molecule: Log in into the instance.
$ molecule login
try on your machine

The command "molecule login" is used in the context of working with the Molecule tool which is associated with testing and managing infrastructure code.

This command is used to log in to an instance that is created by Molecule during the testing process. Molecule helps to automate the testing and verification of infrastructure code by creating disposable instances (e.g. virtual machines or containers) and running tests on them.

When you run "molecule login," Molecule identifies the currently active instance being used for testing, then establishes a connection to it. This allows you to access and interact with the instance's shell or command-line interface, just like logging in to a remote server.

By logging in to the instance, you can manually inspect or troubleshoot any configuration or setup issues, debug problems, or perform any necessary actions to analyze the state of the tested infrastructure.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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