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molecule: Start the instance.
$ molecule create
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The "molecule create" command is used in the Molecule testing framework to create a new role or scenario for testing. Molecule is a tool that helps in managing the lifecycle of infrastructure testing environments.

When you run the "molecule create" command, it initializes a new role or scenario by creating the basic directory structure and files required for testing. This command sets up the necessary files like the molecule.yml, playbook.yml, and meta/main.yml. These files define the testing environment, configuration, dependencies, and other necessary details.

For example, if you are working on a role for configuring an Apache web server, running "molecule create" will create the initial files and directory structure for testing that role. It will create a "molecule" directory within your role's directory, which will contain the necessary files and folders needed for testing.

Once the "molecule create" command completes, you can modify and customize these generated files to suit your testing requirements. After that, you can run other Molecule commands like "molecule converge" to provision and configure the test environment, "molecule verify" to run tests against the environment, and "molecule destroy" to clean up the created resources.

Overall, the "molecule create" command is used for initializing a new role or scenario in Molecule by creating the initial directory structure and essential files required for testing.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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