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molecule: Run tests.
$ molecule test
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The command "molecule test" is used in the context of working with Ansible roles or collections.

Molecule is a tool that is used to test and validate Ansible roles or collections in an isolated, reproducible environment. It helps in verifying the functionality and configuration of your roles or collections before they are used in a production environment.

The "molecule test" command is used to run the test scenarios defined in the molecule.yml file of a role or collection. It executes a series of steps including creating and provisioning an isolated test environment, applying the role or collection, and then running the defined test cases.

By running this command, you can ensure that your role or collection performs as expected in different scenarios and against different target environments. It helps in catching any issues or bugs early in the development cycle and ensures the reliability and correctness of your Ansible code.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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