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molecule: List scenarios of the instance.
$ molecule matrix converge
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The command "molecule matrix converge" is related to the Molecule framework, which is a tool used for software development, testing, and deployment of Ansible roles and playbooks, specifically for testing Ansible roles against multiple operating systems and versions.

The "molecule matrix converge" command is used to converge the infrastructure for all the scenarios defined in the molecule project. A scenario in Molecule represents a combination of platforms and variables to test the Ansible role against.

By running this command, Molecule will iterate over each scenario and execute the "converge" phase that brings the infrastructure to the desired state based on the Ansible role being tested.

In summary, "molecule matrix converge" is a command used in Molecule to converge the infrastructure for all defined scenarios, ensuring that the desired state is reached for each one.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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