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$ mongo --eval 'db.${collection}.find(${json_query})'
try on your machine

This command uses the mongo command-line interface to execute a MongoDB shell command. The command is executed within the context of a specified MongoDB database.

Here is a step-by-step breakdown of the command:

  1. mongo: It is the command to run the MongoDB shell.

  2. --eval '<command>': This option allows you to specify a JavaScript command to be executed by the MongoDB shell. In this case, the command being executed is enclosed within single quotes and contains two placeholders (${collection} and ${json_query}).

  3. db.${collection}.find(${json_query}): This is the JavaScript command being executed. It performs a database query using the find() method on a specific collection. The values of ${collection} and ${json_query} are replaced with actual values at runtime.

  • ${collection} is a placeholder for the name of the collection you want to query. For example, if ${collection} is replaced with "users", it will search for documents in the users collection.

  • ${json_query} is a placeholder for a JSON document that specifies the query criteria. It is passed to the find() method as an argument. For example, if ${json_query} is replaced with "{ name: 'John' }", it will search for documents where the name field is equal to "John".

Overall, this command allows you to execute a MongoDB query from the command line by providing the collection and query criteria as arguments.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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