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mongodump: Create a dump from a specific instance; host, user, password and database will be defined in the connection string.
$ mongodump --uri ${connection_string}
try on your machine

The mongodump command is used to create a binary export of the data stored in a MongoDB database. It allows you to take a backup of your data for purposes such as migrating data to a new server, restoring data after a crash, or analyzing data offline.

In the command mongodump --uri ${connection_string}, the --uri flag specifies the connection string used to connect to the MongoDB database. The ${connection_string} is a placeholder, indicating that you need to replace it with the actual connection string for your MongoDB database.

The connection string typically contains information like the hostname and port number of the MongoDB server, the database to connect to, and authentication credentials if required. The connection string format may vary depending on the MongoDB driver or client you are using.

By providing the correct connection string, the mongodump command connects to the MongoDB database and creates a binary export file containing the data and metadata of the specified database. This file can later be restored using the mongorestore command to recreate the database with the exported data.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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