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mongoexport: Display help.
$ mongoexport --help
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The command "mongoexport --help" is used to display the available command-line options and usage documentation for the "mongoexport" tool in MongoDB.

When you run this command in the command-line interface, it will display detailed information about the "mongoexport" command, including:

  • The general syntax and usage of the command.
  • A list of available options and their descriptions.
  • Information about authentication, connection, and SSL/TLS options.
  • Examples of common usage scenarios, illustrating how to utilize different options based on the desired functionality.

By running "mongoexport --help," you can familiarize yourself with the various options and features provided by the "mongoexport" tool, enabling you to export data from a MongoDB database in different formats and configurations.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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