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mongoimport: Display help.
$ mongoimport --help
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The command "mongoimport --help" is used in MongoDB to get information and assistance on how to use the "mongoimport" tool.

When you execute this command in the command line, it provides a list of different options, flags, and usage examples related to the "mongoimport" tool. It helps you understand how to import data into a MongoDB database from various sources like JSON, CSV, or TSV files, as well as from running processes, standard input, or even an HTTP/HTTPS location.

The command will display information such as:

  • Description: A brief explanation of what the "mongoimport" tool does.
  • Usage: Examples of how to correctly use the command with different options and flags.
  • Options: Lists all the available options along with their descriptions, like connectivity related options, data format, data type, etc.
  • Examples: Provides some practical examples of how the command can be used with different data sources and configurations.

By running "mongoimport --help," you can learn about the capabilities and available features of this MongoDB utility, understand the syntax of using the command, and explore the options to import data efficiently.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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