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monop: Show private members.
$ monop -r:${path-to-assembly-dll} --private ${Namespace-Path-To-Type}
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The command "monop -r:${path-to-assembly-dll} --private ${Namespace-Path-To-Type}" is used to run the Mono Documentation Browser (monop) tool to display the documentation for a specific type within a namespace.

Here's an explanation of the different components of the command:

  • "monop": Refers to the Mono Documentation Browser tool, which is used to browse and view the documentation of .NET assemblies.

  • "-r:${path-to-assembly-dll}": Specifies the path to the assembly DLL file that contains the type for which you want to view the documentation. Replace "${path-to-assembly-dll}" with the actual path to the assembly on your system.

  • "--private": This option indicates that the tool should display documentation for types that are marked as private within the assembly. By default, only public types are shown.

  • "${Namespace-Path-To-Type}": Represents the namespace and type for which you want to view the documentation. Replace "${Namespace-Path-To-Type}" with the actual namespace and type name. For example, if you want to view the documentation for the type "MyType" within the namespace "MyNamespace", you would replace "${Namespace-Path-To-Type}" with "MyNamespace.MyType".

Executing this command will launch the Mono Documentation Browser and display the documentation for the specified type within the given assembly.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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