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monop: Show the structure of a Type in a specific assembly.
$ monop -r:${path-to-assembly-dll} ${Namespace-Path-To-Type}
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The command "monop -r:${path-to-assembly-dll} ${Namespace-Path-To-Type}" is specific to the Mono development platform and is used to display the metadata and documentation for a given type within an assembly.

Here's a breakdown of the command structure:

  1. "monop": This is the command-line tool used for Mono's documentation browser tool.
  2. "-r:${path-to-assembly-dll}": The "-r" option specifies the assembly to load, where "${path-to-assembly-dll}" is the path to the assembly file (.dll).
  3. "${Namespace-Path-To-Type}": This is the fully qualified name or namespace path to the specific type you want to view the documentation for. It typically includes the namespace, class name, and any nested types.

When you run this command, it loads the specified assembly and searches for the requested type. If found, it displays information such as the type's documentation, member details, and other metadata associated with that type.

Note: The dollar sign "$" syntax in front of the variables indicates that they are placeholders that should be replaced with actual values when executing the command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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