montage: Tile images into a grid, automatically calculating the grid cell size from the largest image.
$ montage ${image1-png} ${image2-jpg} ${imageN-png} -geometry +0+0 montage.jpg
try on your machine
This command is used to create a montage of multiple images and save it as 'montage.jpg'.
The command consists of several parts:
- 'montage' is the command to create a montage of images.
- '${image1-png}', '${image2-jpg}', and '${imageN-png}' represent the file names of the images you want to include in the montage. The dollar sign ($) signifies a variable name, and the curly braces ({}) are used to enclose the variable name. Replace 'image1-png', 'image2-jpg', and 'imageN-png' with the actual file names of the images you want to use.
- '-geometry +0+0' specifies the positioning of the images in the montage. In this case, '+0+0' means the top-left corner of each image will be aligned.
- 'montage.jpg' indicates the file name of the resulting montage. You can change this name to whatever you prefer.
In summary, this command takes multiple image files, arranges them in a montage format, positions them at the top-left corner, and saves the resulting montage as 'montage.jpg'.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.