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more: Convert tabs to the specified number of spaces.
$ more ${path\to\file} /t${spaces}
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This command is used to view the contents of a file at the specified path.

  • ${path\to\file}: This is the variable representing the path to the file you want to view. Replace ${path\to\file} with the actual file path.

  • more: This is the command to display the contents of a text file on the command prompt screen.

  • /t: This is an optional parameter that specifies that the contents of the file should be displayed with tab stops. It ensures that tab characters are displayed accurately.

  • ${spaces}: This variable represents the number of spaces you want to set as the tab stop. Replace ${spaces} with the desired number of spaces.

So when you run this command, the text file at the specified path will be displayed on the command prompt screen with tab stops set according to the number of spaces specified.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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