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mosh: Select Mosh UDP port (useful when `{{remote_host}}` is behind a NAT).
$ mosh -p ${124} ${username}@${remote_host}
try on your machine

The given command is used to establish a remote session with the specified remote host using the Mosh (Mobile Shell) protocol, which is a remote terminal application.

Let's break down the command step by step:

  • mosh is the executable command to initiate a Mosh session.
  • -p ${124} is an optional flag that specifies the port number you want to connect to. In this case, the value is ${124} which implies that the port number is determined by the value of the variable $124.
  • ${username} is a placeholder for the username or login name you want to use to connect to the remote host.
  • @ is a separator used to connect the specified username with the remote host.
  • ${remote_host} is a placeholder for the address or hostname of the remote host you want to connect to.

Keep in mind that the values of ${124}, ${username}, and ${remote_host} are variables, and you need to replace them with actual values according to your specific use case. For example, ${124} could be replaced with a port number like 22, ${username} could be replaced with your username like john, and ${remote_host} could be replaced with the IP address or hostname of the remote host you are connecting to, such as

Putting it all together, if you substitute the variables with appropriate values, the command will look like:

mosh -p 124

This command will establish a Mosh session to the remote host on port 124, logging in with the username john.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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