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mosh: Connect to a remote server with a specific identity (private key).
$ mosh --ssh="ssh -i ${path-to-key_file}" ${username}@${remote_host}
try on your machine

This command is used for initiating a connection to a remote server using Mosh (Mobile Shell) protocol. Mosh is a replacement for SSH (Secure Shell) that provides enhanced connectivity and responsiveness.

Let's break down the command:

  • mosh: This is the command to start the Mosh shell.

  • --ssh="ssh -i ${path-to-key_file}": This option specifies the SSH command to be used by Mosh for establishing the initial connection. Here, the --ssh option is set to "ssh -i ${path-to-key_file}".

    • ssh: It specifies that the underlying SSH protocol should be used.

    • -i ${path-to-key_file}: This specifies the identity (private key) file to be used for authentication during the SSH connection. ${path-to-key_file} should be replaced with the actual file path of the SSH private key.

  • ${username}@${remote_host}: This specifies the username and hostname or IP address of the remote server to connect to. ${username} should be replaced with the actual username, and ${remote_host} should be replaced with the actual host information.

Overall, this command is used to establish a Mosh connection to a remote server using a specific SSH command for authentication, with the provided username and remote host information.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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