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most: Open several files.
$ most ${filename1} ${filename2}
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The command "most ${filename1} ${filename2}" is used to view and navigate through the contents of two different files simultaneously using the "most" utility.

Here's what each part of the command means:

  • "most" refers to the name of the utility being used. "most" is a Unix command-line pager, similar to other pagers like "less" or "more", but with additional features.
  • "${filename1}" represents the first filename or path of the file you want to view. In this case, the placeholder "${filename1}" needs to be replaced with the actual name or path of the first file.
  • "${filename2}" stands for the second filename or path of the file you want to view. Similar to the previous placeholder, the name or path of the second file should replace "${filename2}".

Overall, when you execute the command by replacing the placeholders with actual file names or paths, the "most" utility will open both files simultaneously, allowing you to navigate through their contents and view them side by side.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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