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mpc: Show information about the currently playing song.
$ mpc status
try on your machine

The command "mpc status" is used to obtain the current status of the MPC (Music Player Daemon) server.

MPD is a flexible and powerful music player server that allows you to remotely control your music collection. MPC (Music Player Client) is a command-line client for MPD, enabling users to interact with the server through the terminal.

When you run the "mpc status" command, it communicates with the MPD server and fetches information about the current playback status, playlist, and other relevant details. The command usually provides information such as the current song being played, the volume level, the state of the playback (playing, paused, stopped), elapsed and total time of the current song, and the playlist position.

By using this command, you can quickly check the status of your MPD server without accessing its interface directly. It allows you to monitor and control your audio playback from the command line or even integrate it with other scripts or system components.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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