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mpd: Kill the currently running MPD session.
$ mpd --kill
try on your machine

The command "mpd --kill" is used to terminate or stop the execution of the Music Player Daemon (MPD) process.

MPD is a server-side music playing application that allows you to remotely manage and play music from various sources. It runs as a daemon in the background, continuously playing music even when there is no user interface or music player open.

When you execute the command "mpd --kill", it sends a termination signal to the MPD daemon, instructing it to stop all playback and shut down gracefully. This stops the music playback and releases system resources being used by the MPD process.

It is useful to issue this command if you want to stop the MPD service temporarily or permanently, or if you need to restart it with new configuration changes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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