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mpd: Start MPD.
$ mpd
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The command "mpd" stands for Music Player Daemon. It is a server-side application that allows you to listen to music and control your music player remotely. When you execute the "mpd" command, it starts the Music Player Daemon and makes it ready to accept connections from client-frontends or applications.

MPD runs in the background as a daemon and manages music playlists and playback. Once it is running, you can use various MPD client applications to connect to the MPD server and control music playback.

MPD supports various features like managing multiple audio outputs, playing music from local files or internet streams, creating and editing playlists, and providing a flexible and customizable interface for controlling the playback.

Overall, executing the "mpd" command starts the Music Player Daemon and allows you to control your music playback from other applications or frontends.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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