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mpv: Play a file using a profile defined in the `mpv.conf` file.
$ mpv --profile ${profile_name} ${filename}
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This is a command used to play a media file with specific profile settings using the mpv media player. Here is an explanation of each part:

  • mpv: This is the command to execute the mpv media player.
  • --profile: This option is followed by the name of the profile you want to use for playback. A profile typically contains a predefined set of settings and configurations for the player. ${profile_name} is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual name of the desired profile.
  • ${filename}: This is another placeholder that should be replaced with the name or path to the media file you want to play.

To use this command, you need to replace ${profile_name} with the name of an existing profile and ${filename} with the name or path to the media file you want to play. For example, if you have a profile named "high_quality" and a video file named "my_video.mp4", the command could look like: mpv --profile high_quality my_video.mp4.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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