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mr: Checkout all repositories to the latest version.
$ mr checkout
try on your machine

The command "mr checkout" refers to a version control command used in the tool called "myrepos" or "mr". Myrepos is a utility that allows managing multiple repositories simultaneously.

The "mr checkout" command is used to perform a checkout operation on multiple repositories. It instructs myrepos to clone or update the specified repositories to the latest available version.

Here's a breakdown of how the command works:

  1. The "mr" command is the entry point for executing myrepos commands.
  2. "checkout" is a subcommand that specifies the action you want to perform.
  3. When you run "mr checkout", myrepos looks for a configuration file called ".mrconfig" in your current directory.
  4. The ".mrconfig" file contains a list of repository URLs and their corresponding checkout directories.
  5. myrepos then clones or updates each repository based on the information in the configuration file.
  6. If a repository doesn't exist locally, myrepos clones it. If it does exist, myrepos performs an update to synchronize the repository with the latest changes available.

Overall, "mr checkout" simplifies the process of checking out multiple repositories by automating the repetitive tasks of cloning or updating them.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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