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mssh: Open a new window and connect to multiple SSH servers.
$ mssh ${user@host1} ${user@host2} ${---}
try on your machine

The command provided is incomplete and contains placeholders. However, we can provide a general explanation based on the available information.

Based on the format of the command, it appears to be attempting to establish multiple SSH connections to different hosts using the "mssh" utility or a script. The "${user@host1}" and "${user@host2}" are placeholders for actual values.

Typically, when connecting via SSH, you need to provide a username and host (or IP address). In this case, the ${user} represents the username, and the ${host1} and ${host2} represent the respective hosts or IP addresses.

The "---" part is unclear as it contains a placeholder, so its actual purpose or value cannot be determined with the given information.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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