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mt: Rewind the tape, then position the tape at beginning of the given file.
$ mt -f ${-dev-nstX} asf ${count}
try on your machine

The command "mt -f ${-dev-nstX} asf ${count}" is a command-line instruction using the "mt" command.

Here is a breakdown of the different parts of the command:

  • "mt": This is the command itself and it stands for "magnetic tape drive control."
  • "-f ${-dev-nstX}": "-f" is an option used with the "mt" command to specify the device file for the magnetic tape drive. In this case, "${-dev-nstX}" is a placeholder for the actual device file name. The specific device file name is expected to follow the "-dev-nstX" format.
  • "asf": This is a command parameter specifying the action to be taken on the magnetic tape drive. In this case, "asf" refers to "automatic skip forward," which means the tape will be automatically advanced forward.
  • "${count}": Similar to the previous placeholder, "${count}" stands for a numerical value that should be provided. It defines how many times the "asf" action should be performed.

Remember to replace the placeholders "${-dev-nstX}" and "${count}" with appropriate device file name and a desired numerical value in order to run the command properly.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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