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mtr: Wait for a given time (in seconds) before sending another packet to the same hop.
$ mtr -i ${seconds} ${host}
try on your machine

The command "mtr -i ${seconds} ${host}" is used to run a network diagnostic tool called "mtr" with specific arguments.

Here is the breakdown of each part of the command:

  • "mtr": It is the command used to invoke the "mtr" tool, which stands for My traceroute. It combines the functionality of both ping and traceroute commands to provide a comprehensive network analysis.

  • "-i ${seconds}": This flag is used to specify the interval between each network probe or ping in seconds. ${seconds} is a placeholder for the desired value you want to set for the time interval. For example, if you want to set the interval to 2 seconds, you would replace ${seconds} with "2".

  • "${host}": This is a placeholder for the target host or IP address that you want to analyze using mtr. You need to replace ${host} with the actual hostname or IP address of the system or network you want to trace.

When you run the command with the appropriate values, mtr will continuously send network probes to the specified host at the given time interval and display the results. It will provide information about packet loss, latency, and hops between your system and the target host, allowing you to diagnose network issues and monitor network performance.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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