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mu: Find unread messages about words starting with `soc` (the `*` only works at the end of the search term) in the Sent Items folder.
$ mu find 'subject:${soc}*' flag:${unread} maildir:'/${Sent Items}'
try on your machine

This command is using the "mu" command-line tool to find emails that match certain criteria. Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • "mu": This is the command-line tool used for searching and managing emails in the maildir format.
  • "find": This keyword is used to specify that we want to search for emails using specified criteria.
  • "'subject:${soc}*'": This is a search criteria that specifies that we are looking for emails with a subject line starting with the value stored in the "soc" variable.
  • "flag:${unread}": This search criteria specifies that we want to find emails that have the "unread" flag set.
  • "maildir:'/${Sent Items}'": This search criteria specifies that we are searching inside the "Sent Items" mail directory.

Overall, this command is searching for unread emails in the "Sent Items" mail directory where the subject line starts with the value stored in the "soc" variable.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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