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mutagen: List running sessions for the current project.
$ mutagen project list
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The command "mutagen project list" is used to list all the existing Mutagen projects in your workspace or system.

Mutagen is a file synchronization and synchronization tool that helps in keeping files in two separate locations in sync. It allows you to monitor changes made to files and automatically propagate those changes to the other location.

"mutagen project list" specifically lists all the Mutagen projects that you have set up. Projects are essentially configurations that define the synchronization rules and settings for different file synchronization tasks. Each project represents a specific synchronization task between two folders or directories.

Running "mutagen project list" will display a list of all the projects along with their unique identifiers, names, and the folders they are synchronized between. This command helps you to view and manage the Mutagen projects you have defined, making it easier to track and control file synchronization tasks in your workspace or system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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