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mutagen: Start a project.
$ mutagen project start
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The command "mutagen project start" is part of the Mutagen tool, which is used for file synchronization and synchronization of other data between multiple computers.

The "mutagen project start" command is used to start the synchronization of a Mutagen project. A Mutagen project is a configuration file that defines the synchronization behavior and rules for a set of files or directories. The "start" command here triggers the synchronization process according to the configuration specified in the project file.

By running this command, Mutagen will begin comparing the files between the source and target locations defined in the project, and synchronize any differences by transferring the updated or new files between the computers. This allows for the efficient and consistent sharing of files and data across multiple machines.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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