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mutagen: Stop a project.
$ mutagen project terminate
try on your machine

The command "mutagen project terminate" is used to stop and terminate a project that is being managed by Mutagen, which is a file synchronization and network forwarding tool.

When you run this command, Mutagen will stop any active synchronization or forwarding processes associated with the project and clean up any resources used by the project. This can be useful if you no longer need a project to be synchronized or forwarded and want to free up system resources.

Note that this command requires the Mutagen agent to be running, as it needs to communicate with the agent to perform the termination. Additionally, you need to execute this command while being in the project's directory or provide the project's name as an argument to the command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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