The command you provided is written in the syntax of a Unix-like command line interface. Here is the breakdown of each component:
mutool: This is the command itself, which refers to a software utility called "mutool". It is often used for working with PDF files.
convert: This is an argument passed to the mutool command, specifying that we want to convert a PDF file to another format (in this case, a PNG image).
-o ${path-to-output%nd-png}: The "-o" flag specifies that this argument will be used to define the output file or directory. The "${path-to-output%nd-png}" is a placeholder referring to the path of the output file or directory. The "%nd-png" is a string manipulation that will remove the suffix "nd-png" from the path.
${path-to-input-pdf}: This is another placeholder representing the path to the input PDF file that you want to convert. You should replace it with the actual path to your input PDF file.
${1-10}: This is another placeholder representing a range of pages to be converted from the input PDF file. The "${1-10}" indicates that pages starting from 1 and ending at page 10 will be converted. You can modify this range to specify different page numbers or a single page.
In summary, the command is using the mutool utility to convert a specific range of pages from a PDF file to PNG format using the "convert" argument. The output file or directory path is defined by "${path-to-output%nd-png}".