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mysqldump: Backup all databases from a remote host, redirecting the output to a file (user will be prompted for a password).
$ mysqldump --host=${ip_or_hostname} --user ${user} --password --all-databases > ${filename-sql}
try on your machine

The given command is a MySQL command called mysqldump, which is used to export the data and structure of MySQL databases into a file. Let's break down the command step by step:

  1. mysqldump: It is the actual command that MySQL provides to perform the database dump.

  2. --host=${ip_or_hostname}: This option specifies the host (IP address or hostname) where the MySQL database server is running. You need to replace ${ip_or_hostname} with the actual IP address or hostname of the server.

  3. --user ${user}: This option indicates the username that will be used to connect to the MySQL database server. You need to replace ${user} with the actual MySQL username.

  4. --password: This option prompts for the password of the MySQL user specified in the previous step. After entering the command, you will be asked to provide the password interactively.

  5. --all-databases: This option tells mysqldump to include all databases in the dump. If you only want to export specific databases, you can replace this option with the names of the databases you want to dump.

  6. ${filename-sql}: This part is responsible for redirecting the output of the mysqldump command into a file. The ${filename-sql} should be replaced with the desired filename of the output file, typically ending with the ".sql" extension.

By running this command, the mysqldump tool will connect to the specified MySQL server, authenticate with the provided username and password, and then dump the data and structure of all databases into the specified output file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
back to the mysqldump tool