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nala: Remove a package.
$ sudo nala remove ${package}
try on your machine

This command is not a valid command. It seems to have a mix of valid commands (sudo and nala remove) along with a placeholder or variable (${package}) that needs to be replaced with an actual package name.

Here's the breakdown of the valid commands used in the command:

  1. sudo - This is a command used in Unix-like operating systems to run a command with administrative or superuser privileges. It allows the user to perform tasks that require elevated permissions.
  2. nala - This seems to be a custom command or an executable program. Without additional information, it's not possible to determine its exact purpose or functionality.
  3. remove - This is likely a command or an option specific to the nala program, indicating that the user wants to remove a package or component.

However, the ${package} part appears to be a placeholder or variable that needs to be replaced with an actual package name. It's common to indicate variables or placeholders with the ${variable_name} syntax, but the value for package is missing in the given command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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