The command you provided is the syntax for using the nativefier command line tool to create a native desktop application from a given URL. Here is a breakdown of the command syntax:
- This is the command itself, the nativefier tool. It is used to create native desktop applications.
--icon ${path-to-icon-png}
- This flag is used to specify the path to a custom icon in PNG format for the generated application. ${path-to-icon-png}
needs to be replaced with the actual path to the icon file on your file system.
- This is a placeholder for the URL you want to create a native application for. You need to replace ${url}
with the actual URL you want to convert into an application.
So, when executing this command, you are instructing nativefier to create a native desktop application from the given URL, using a custom icon specified by ${path-to-icon-png}