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nautilus: Display help.
$ nautilus --help
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The command "nautilus --help" is used to display the available options and usage instructions for the Nautilus file manager in Linux-based operating systems.

When you run this command in the terminal, it provides you with a list of command-line options, also known as flags or switches, along with a brief description of each option. These options allow you to customize how Nautilus behaves and what features it offers.

For example, some common options that you might find in the output of "nautilus --help" are:

  • "-h" or "--help": Displays the help message along with available options.
  • "-v" or "--version": Prints the version information for Nautilus.
  • "-n" or "--new-window": Opens a new Nautilus window.
  • "-q" or "--quit": Quits or closes all Nautilus windows.
  • "-s" or "--select": Selects specific files or file patterns.
  • "-t" or "--no-desktop": Runs Nautilus without managing the desktop icons.
  • "-c" or "--check": Checks the specified URIs for changes.

These options, along with many others, allow you to control various aspects of Nautilus' behavior and functionality depending on your requirements.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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