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nbtscan: Read IP addresses / networks to scan from a file.
$ nbtscan -f ${filename-txt}
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The command "nbtscan -f ${filename-txt}" is used to run the nbtscan tool with the option to read a list of IP addresses from a text file.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "nbtscan": This is the command to run the nbtscan tool. Nbtscan is a tool used to scan NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NBT) protocol-enabled networks or hosts to gather information like IP addresses, MAC addresses, and more.

  • "-f": This is an option or flag for the nbtscan command. In this case, the "-f" option specifies that the nbtscan tool should read a list of IP addresses from a file instead of manually specifying them on the command line.

  • "${filename-txt}": This is a placeholder representing the name of the text file from which the nbtscan tool will read the IP addresses. It's written as "${filename-txt}" to indicate that you need to replace it with the actual filename and extension (e.g., "ip_addresses.txt") in your command. Make sure to provide the correct path to the file if it's in a different directory.

So, when you execute the command "nbtscan -f ${filename-txt}", the nbtscan tool will be invoked, and it will read the IP addresses from the specified text file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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