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nc: Listen on a specified UDP port and print connection details and any data received.
$ nc -u -l ${port}
try on your machine

The command "nc -u -l ${port}" is used to start a TCP/UDP network listener on a specified port number.

Here's what each element of the command means:

  • nc: It stands for netcat, a utility used for reading and writing network connections. It is commonly used for network testing and debugging.
  • -u: The -u option specifies that the network listener should use the UDP (User Datagram Protocol) instead of the default TCP (Transmission Control Protocol). UDP is a connectionless protocol that delivers data packets without guaranteed delivery or order.
  • -l: The -l option tells netcat to listen for incoming connections rather than initiate a connection. This makes netcat act as a network server or listener.
  • ${port}: This is a placeholder for the actual port number you want to use. Replace ${port} with the desired port number to specify the specific port you want to listen on. For example, if you want to listen on port 8080, you would replace ${port} with 8080.

Overall, the command "nc -u -l ${port}" starts a UDP network listener on the specified port number, allowing you to receive and process incoming UDP network traffic.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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