The command "ndctl list" is used to display information about the namespaced regions, regions, buses, and idle namespaces on non-volatile memory (NVM) devices.
Here's a breakdown of the command and its options:
"ndctl" is a utility for managing NVM devices in Linux.
"list" is the subcommand that is used to list the available information.
"--namespaces" option is used to display information about the namespaces. A namespace is a logical partition within a region of an NVM device.
"--regions" option is used to display information about the NVM regions. A region is a set of labeled blocks within an NVM device.
"--buses" option is used to display information about the buses. A bus is a communication interface that connects the NVM devices to the system.
"--idle" option is used to display only the idle namespaces. An idle namespace refers to a namespace that is currently not in use or actively being accessed.
By running this command, you can get a detailed overview of the namespaces, regions, buses, and idle namespaces on your NVM devices.