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ndctl: List a specific namespace and include lots of additional information.
$ ndctl list -vvv --namespace=${namespaceX-Y}
try on your machine

The ndctl list -vvv --namespace=${namespaceX-Y} command is used to retrieve detailed information about the specified namespace on an ndctl-compatible device. Let's break down the components of this command:

  • ndctl: It is the command-line interface for managing device-level non-volatile memory resources (such as Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory) in Linux.
  • list: It is a sub-command of ndctl used to list information about the available namespaces.
  • -vvv: This option stands for "very, very verbose" and enables maximum verbosity level, providing extensive details about the namespace configuration.
  • --namespace=${namespaceX-Y}: This option specifies the namespace whose details are to be listed. ${namespaceX-Y} should be replaced with the actual namespace identifier you want to query. It typically follows a numbering convention like namespace0-1, namespace0-2, and so on.

By executing this command, the system will provide a comprehensive display of information regarding the specified namespace, including its identifier, size, media type, block size, mode, power state, etc.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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