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neato: Display help.
$ neato -?
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The command "neato -?" is used to access the help documentation for the "neato" command. "Neato" is a command-line utility included in the Graphviz software package, which is used for graph visualization.

By executing "neato -?", you will see a list of command-line options and a brief explanation of each option. These options allow you to customize and control the behavior of the "neato" command when generating graph visualizations.

The help documentation typically includes information on how to specify input and output file formats, set layout options, control node and edge attributes, adjust scaling and aspect ratio, and more.

Overall, using "neato -?" helps you understand and utilize the various features and options available within the "neato" command for creating visually appealing representations of graphs.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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