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netselect: Define maximum TTL (time to live).
$ sudo netselect -m ${10} ${host_1} ${host_2}
try on your machine

The provided command is using the "sudo" command to execute the "netselect" tool with some additional arguments. Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "sudo": It is a command used in Unix-like operating systems to run a command with the security privileges of another user, usually the superuser (or root). It is often required for running system administration commands.

  • "netselect": It is a network utility tool used to find the fastest mirror from a list of HTTP/FTP sites. It measures the response times of a list of servers and selects the fastest one.

  • "-m": This option is used to specify the number of mirrors to be displayed after performing the measurement. In this case, the value is "${10}", which suggests that it would be taking the 10 fastest mirrors.

  • "${host_1}": It represents the hostname or IP address of a server to be tested for the measurement.

  • "${host_2}": It represents the hostname or IP address of another server to be tested for the measurement.

Overall, this command is using the "netselect" tool with superuser privileges (using "sudo") to measure the response times of two servers (${host_1} and ${host_2}) and then display the 10 fastest mirrors.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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