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nettop: Print 10 samples of network information.
$ nettop -l ${10}
try on your machine

The command "nettop -l ${10}" is used to display network traffic statistics on a macOS system. Here is a breakdown of the different parts:

  • "nettop" is the command itself, which stands for network top. It is a utility in macOS that provides real-time information about the network usage on a system.
  • "-l" is an option that specifies the refresh rate of the nettop command in seconds. In this case, it is set to ${10}, which means it will refresh every 10 seconds.
  • "${10}" is a variable that represents the value 10. It is used to set the refresh rate for the nettop command. The use of this variable allows for customization and flexibility, as you can change the value to any desired refresh rate.

Overall, this command will continuously display network traffic statistics, such as bandwidth usage, packet counts, and process information, with a 10-second refresh rate.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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