next: Start the current application and listen on a specific port.
$ next dev --port ${port}
try on your machine
This command is using the "next" command of a development server to run a Next.js application.
"next" is a command-line tool often used with Next.js, a popular React framework for building web applications. It provides features like server-side rendering, fast page transitions, and API routes.
In this case, "dev" is an argument passed to the "next" command, indicating that we want to run the application in development mode.
The "--port" flag allows us to specify the port number on which the server should listen. The "${port}" is a placeholder that would be replaced with an actual port number when running the command. For example, if you run next dev --port 3000
, it would start the Next.js application on port 3000.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.