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next: Display the Next.js telemetry status.
$ next telemetry
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The command "next telemetry" typically refers to a specific action or command that a user can input within a software or programming environment to access or display the next set of telemetry information.

Telemetry refers to the collection and transmission of data or information about a system or device, usually through sensors or other means. This data can include various parameters, such as temperature, pressure, speed, or any other measurements relevant to the system being monitored.

When this command is used, it tells the software or programming environment to retrieve and display the next set of telemetry data available. This command is often used in applications or systems where multiple sets of telemetry information are available, and the user wants to view the data in a sequential manner.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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