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next: Export the current application to static HTML pages.
$ next export
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The command "next export" is used in Next.js, which is a popular React framework for building web applications.

When you run the "next export" command in the terminal, it generates a static version of your Next.js application.

Specifically, the "next export" command is used to pre-render and export the pages of your Next.js application as static HTML. This is useful for scenarios where you want to host your website on a static hosting provider (such as GitHub Pages or Netlify) instead of a serverless or traditional server environment.

The command starts the export process, where it traverses your application's pages and generates static HTML files for them. These files can be served as-is without requiring a Node.js server because they don't have any dynamic functionality.

The "next export" command creates an "out" directory in your project's root folder, which contains the static HTML files and necessary assets (like CSS and JavaScript files) for each page. You can then deploy this "out" directory to a static hosting service.

It's important to note that the "next export" command doesn't work with certain Next.js features that require server-side rendering or dynamic data fetching. If your application heavily relies on such features, it may not be suitable for static exporting.

Overall, the "next export" command is used to generate static HTML files of a Next.js application, allowing you to host the website on static hosting providers.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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