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next: Build the current application optimized for production.
$ next build
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The next build command is typically used in the Next.js framework, which is a React-based framework for building server-side rendered (SSR) or statically generated (SSG) websites or applications.

When you run the next build command, it triggers the Next.js build process. This process generates an optimized production-ready version of your Next.js application. Here's what happens when you execute this command:

  1. Next.js compiles all your project's JavaScript and CSS files, performs transpilation, and bundles them together using webpack. This ensures that your application is ready for production deployment.

  2. It optimizes the code for better performance. This includes minifying and compressing the generated files, making them more efficient to load and reducing their overall size.

  3. It also generates static HTML files for pages that have been statically optimized. This is useful for pages that do not require server-side data fetching and can be pre-rendered at build time, resulting in faster loading times.

  4. Next.js may perform various optimizations to enhance your application's performance. This includes techniques like code splitting, preloading, and caching to ensure quick and efficient rendering of pages.

By running the next build command, you can obtain a finalized, optimized version of your Next.js application that is ready for deployment to a production server.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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