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nextclade: Use a downloaded [D]ataset, producing all [O]utputs.
$ nextclade run -D ${path-to-dataset_dir} -O ${path-to-output_dir} ${path-to-dataset_dir-sequences-fasta}
try on your machine

The command you provided is used to run the Nextclade tool with the given parameters. Here is the breakdown of each part of the command:

  • nextclade run: This is the main command to run the Nextclade tool.
  • -D ${path-to-dataset_dir}: The -D flag specifies the path to the dataset directory. This directory contains data files necessary for Nextclade to perform its analysis.
    • ${path-to-dataset_dir}: This is the placeholder for the actual path to the dataset directory on your system.
  • -O ${path-to-output_dir}: The -O flag specifies the path to the output directory. This is where the results and outputs of Nextclade analysis will be stored.
    • ${path-to-output_dir}: This is the placeholder for the actual path to the output directory on your system.
  • ${path-to-dataset_dir-sequences-fasta}: This is the path to the input file containing DNA/RNA sequences in the FASTA format.
    • ${path-to-dataset_dir-sequences-fasta}: This is the placeholder for the actual path to the input file on your system.

To use this command, you need to replace the placeholders (${path-to-dataset_dir}, ${path-to-output_dir}, and ${path-to-dataset_dir-sequences-fasta}) with the actual paths to the dataset directory, output directory, and input file, respectively, on your system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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