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nextflow: Update Nextflow.
$ nextflow self-update
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The command "nextflow self-update" is used to update Nextflow itself to the latest version.

Nextflow is a programming language and a runtime environment used for creating and executing data-driven workflows. It allows users to define and manage complex computational pipelines, particularly in the context of bioinformatics and genomics.

The "self-update" command is used to update the Nextflow framework to the most recent version. It downloads the latest release from the official Nextflow GitHub repository and applies the update to the current installation.

By running this command, Nextflow will check if there is a newer version available. If a newer version exists, it will download the updated package and replace the current Nextflow version with the latest one.

The "self-update" command ensures that you have the most recent features, bug fixes, and improvements that have been introduced in the latest version of Nextflow. It is recommended to periodically run this command to keep your installation up to date.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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