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nextflow: Show details of previous runs in current directory.
$ nextflow log
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The nextflow log command is used to display the logs generated by a running or completed Nextflow workflow. It provides a way to view the execution history and debug any issues or errors encountered during the workflow execution.

When you use the log command without any argument, it will display the last 10 lines of the workflow execution log. This is helpful to quickly check the recent log messages.

Additionally, you can provide a wildcard pattern or a specific log file name as an argument to the log command to display specific logs related to a particular process or task in the workflow. For example:

nextflow log process1

This command will display the log messages specific to the process1 in the workflow.

The log command can be used to troubleshoot the workflow by inspecting the log messages, identifying errors, monitoring progress, understanding resource usage, and various other details related to the execution of the workflow.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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